2023 Inspiring Hope Dog WalkMid-West Family Madison


Here at Mid-West Family Madison we consist of 8 local radio stations who do our best to come together for those in our community1 Czar's Promise is one of those very special organizations that holds a huge place in our hearts, specifically for their undying love for animals. Their unique and touching story is what orginally drew us to them 5 years ago and it has been incredible to watch their hardwork for the pups in our community grow immensely. We want to do as much good for Czar's Promise, as they do for our furry friends here in Madison. This will be our third year participating in the Czar's Promise Inspiring Hope Walk so we thought it was about time we make a team and come together to raise money for canine cancer! So grab your family, friends, coworkers and of course furry friends and sign up to walk with us on October 1st!




Our Members

Cailynn Hensen
Jennifer Crowell
Gina Koberle
Miranda Daniels
Dustin Burke
Sandra Bennett
Jeremiah R Bakken


Sponsor us today!


If you'd like to join this team, register for the 2023 Inspiring Hope Dog Walk event today!


Learn more about the 2023 Inspiring Hope Dog Walk event.