2019 Czar’s Promise Dog WalkCarly Penn

Charlie's Walk



Welcome to Charlie's page for the Czar's Promise walk to support canine cancer research. We hope that you can walk with us or donate in his honor!

Charlie's story:

On the evening of December 4th, we noticed that Charlie's breathing was a little shallower than normal. We kept an eye on him for a couple of hours, and then took him to the ER vet. Within minutes we were told that he had lymphoma and had about four weeks to live if we did nothing. That was shocking for us. Up until that point he was sassy, spunky, and full of life.

We took him home that night, cried a lot, and then got to work the next morning. We met with an oncologist and our holistic vet and made a game plan for Charlie that included chemo, low carb diet, and supplements. After one treatment, Charlie was in complete remission. Our focus now is to keep him there. Charlie is on a new protocol that we are hoping will provide a long prognosis for him. 

Charlie continues to battle his cancer with chemo and holistic support. He has good days and bad days, but mostly good days. We walk so that your dogs don't have to go through this in the future. 



Sponsor me today!


Learn more about the 2019 Czar’s Promise Dog Walk event.